Articles tagged “booking”


Cricket World Cup Frenzy: Hotel Prices Hit $3,000 Before India-Aussie Final

Think of it as game and you may not understand the frenzy, but then again cricket is an emotion in India!

Cricket World Cup Frenzy: Hotel Prices Hit $3,000 Before India-Aussie Final


Europe’s Independent Hotels Lag U.S. Brands on Google Hotels: New Skift Research

Smaller independent hotels in Europe, lacking the marketing budgets and tech capabilities of branded counterparts in the U.S., are more inclined to rely on online travel agencies for distribution rather than their own sites.

Europe’s Independent Hotels Lag U.S. Brands on Google Hotels: New Skift Research
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Skift Aviation Forum Video: Reimagining the Modern Retailing Experience

In this video from Skift Aviation Forum 2023, we hear from Kartik Yellepeddi, vice president of product and offer and order at FLYR, and Mike Melton, principal architect at Google Cloud, about the challenges, gaps, and opportunities in implementing artificial intelligence (AI) for the airline industry, including the need for data, technology integration, and talent.

Skift Aviation Forum Video: Reimagining the Modern Retailing Experience
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Travel Booking

A Personalized Approach to Customer Satisfaction and Traveler Loyalty

Incorporating travel insurance into the booking path can offer a deeper understanding of each individual journey. This gives brands the opportunity to create more personalized approaches, potentially unlocking loyalty from a much broader range of customers.

A Personalized Approach to Customer Satisfaction and Traveler Loyalty


Google Reshapes Hotel Distribution: 3 Key Insights

Google is constantly tweaking its hotels platform and we see its latest iteration contributing directly to the democratization of the online travel industry.

Google Reshapes Hotel Distribution: 3 Key Insights


Google Unveiled: A Web-Scraping Analysis of U.S. Hotel Distribution – New Skift Research

We web scraped 5,000 hotels across Google to understand the current state of the wider distribution landscape. We found that Google's actions are allowing small OTAs, new entrants and direct sites to compete head-on with the legacy players. Could this mean the end of the duopolistic power long-held by Booking and Expedia?

Google Unveiled: A Web-Scraping Analysis of U.S. Hotel Distribution – New Skift Research
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Online Travel

Skift Global Forum Video: Enabling the Connected Trip of the Future

In this video from Skift Global Forum 2023, we hear from Edward Chandler, global head of B2B travel at Visa, about what defines the connected trip, what brands can do to create fast and seamless payment journeys, and what new technologies will enable the connected trip of the future.

Skift Global Forum Video: Enabling the Connected Trip of the Future

Online Travel

Booking’s Very Expensive Marketing Piece of the Pie

Travel bargain hunters are a fickle bunch, visiting more than two dozen websites on average before they book. and its rivals spend billions annually to woo those travelers who wouldn't otherwise click over to their platforms.

Booking’s Very Expensive Marketing Piece of the Pie

Online Travel

Millennial and Gen Z Travelers Spending More — But They Want Better Deals

New data from travel app Hopper shows its customers are checking for deals like never before, and booking only when the price is right.

Millennial and Gen Z Travelers Spending More — But They Want Better Deals

News Blog

Australia’s Webjet Launches Tool to Weed Out Rogue Hotel Rates

With hotels seeing a big bounce in bookings, so too can they expect to see more so-called rogue rates creeping back. These are rates that they’ve not authorized, and are a common complaint. Now one of the major bedbank players has developed a platform to help hotels fix any rogue rates they spot. WebBeds, the…